One of The Best Web Development Company

1st step of Digital Transformation.. We believe that growth is not a destination but a continuous journey, In today’s dynamic world, growth has evolved from being a destination to becoming an ongoing journey. It is no longer enough to achieve goals; true growth lies in continuous learning, adapting, and evolving.

About Us


We understand your business needs and by virtue of our experience, we are able to form a special headhunting team catering to your specific sector requirements.

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Our Services

BitandBinary is one of the Premium Digital Marketing Agency that works with ‘Creativity and Innovation’ as its forerunner.
We believe in going that extra mile to exhibit a sense of high quality and uniqueness that achieves sheer perfection.



Projects Done


Satisfied Clients


of Industry Leadership


Projects Win

Development Process

Our development process is often less conspicuous, involving well-established and automated patterns of thinking. A disciplined process serves two main purposes: it helps the developers to better understand What is needed to be done, and it helps project managers to make more accurate predictions about how long a project will take.

Discussion on Requirements

We start with gathering the requirements of the projects. There is a dedicated Point of Contact, who is a subject matter expert to understand the exact requirements. The experts at Blive, initially discuss with you and understand your requirements from the end product. On every step of the development, the team stays in touch with you. These discussions result in well-maintained documents that help us with getting a clear vision for the project. With a clear understanding of requirements, we move to next step.

Research and Planning

Having clarity on requirements, the Research team at Blive researches and analyzes your expectations, the market trends, the competitors, the challenges and the resolutions. The research on best UI/UX practices for your particular business and industry gives us the upper hand from our competitors. They make sure that everything is in perfect shape for you as you go on with your final deliverable. After all, you and your success matters to us the most.

Design and Development

With well-documented requirements and researches, our brilliant Tech-team now starts working on the design and development of the project. The team is very efficient and professional with the deliverables. The tech-team is always in touch with the B-team and they are in sync during the development phases. This makes it feasible for you to communicate your suggestions and reviews as the development process goes on. The internal communication strengthens the Blive team and we are proud of it.

Testing and Approval

As we follow Agile methodology for the development process, we make sure that we communicate throughout the process with the client. After each step of development, the project goes through the testing phase. The testing is done in terms of Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, and Performance Testing.
After which we seek reviews and approval on the project deployment. Our agile methodology helps us to be able to make changes as required during the development and not after the completion of the project.

Deployment and Support

After complete testing and approval the Blive team now deploys your project. The team provides support for 4 weeks after the completion of the project, so you can get familiar and understand the workings of your project completely like the CMS, the database and the front end.

Thank you for visiting "Bitandbinary"

We'd love to hear from you, We believe that growth is not a destination but a continuous journey

In today’s dynamic world, growth has evolved from being a destination to becoming an ongoing journey. It is no longer enough to achieve goals; true growth lies in continuous learning, adapting, and evolving. If you have any questions or queries about our process, engagement models or anything that concerns you, we would love to answer them. We’re all ears, our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Office Locations

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Howe St, Vancouver, BC VZS 2S8, Canada.
+1 12345 67890


Henri Ave, Montreal, QB H2S 3S3, Canada
+1 12345 67890


Kingston 584 Toronto M4L 1V3, Canada
+1 12345 67890

What Our Clients Say

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There have been countless times that Bitandbinary have saved the day for me through complex projects and always go above and beyond the call of duty to get the job done to a high level of quality. I cannot speak highly enough of Bitandbinary, which is why they will continue to be the only offshore partner I will use.

John Doe

The team at Bitandbinary are very experienced, dedicated and professional. I have worked with them for about 4yrs in my various Project Lead roles. In the ever changing landscape of web application development, the Bitandbinary team and I have successfully collaborated on web applications for government, local government, news media and medium/large business enterprise projects. 

Jessica Smith
Steve Rogers